Sunday, April 16, 2017

Ying Xian - Datong

Ying Xian

Unbeknown to us, it was Qing Ming festival the day we arrived in Ying Xian. This festival is 3-4 days long. It can involve such things as sweeping and tidying the graves of your loved ones, and sometimes burning fake money and leaving food at their graves so they have enough money and food in the afterlife. It also involves many Chinese people travelling to important historical or cultural sights to celebrate Chinese traditional culture. This we found out from a kind man who stopped to talk to us at the Wooden Pagoda in Ying Xian. He and his family had driven from Beijing to see this almost 1000 year old purely wooden building – apparently the largest of its kind in the world.


We took back roads to Datong and couldn’t have made a better decisions. The roads were almost bare, as the sun shone on our backs.

Other than taking in the newly built city wall, Datong did not have much to boast.

A quick nap on the quiet roads


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